Dashed Hopes
I live in the borderlands or Arizona and Mexico, a wonderful amalgamation of cultures, ideas, and languages. I love it here—even the 100+ degree temperatures these past days. My neighbors and I contemplate when the monsoon rains will come, giving us green grasses, summer flowers and a blessed coolness to our afternoons after a fierce storm. We look to the skies for cumulus clouds in the south, and scan the weather reports for the dewpoint and humidity. People around here are obsessed with the weather these hot late spring days.
We call the borderlands the third nation: there is the United States, Mexico, and us—the people of the border, the in-between folks. I confess that I’ve had my hopes up these past weeks about comprehensive immigration reform. My dreams were of immigrant workers with guest worker visas passing back and forth from Mexico into the U.S. I had fantasies of fewer Border Patrol agents, because if temporary guest workers could enter the U.S. legally, who needs the military at the border? I thought about families reunited both in Mexico and the U.S. I dreamed of walking into Mexico without seeing armed guards milling about, weaponry slung over their shoulders, furtively talking into their Smartphones. Shoppers from Tucson and Phoenix would return to the twin Nogales cities and enjoy a day in a country that is truly different than their own suburbs and shopping malls.
The wall that separates this country from Mexico is an abomination—a shameful symbol of national superiority and exclusivity. It says we’re better than you, stay out, you are not welcome here. I pass by the wall several times per week and often see Mexican children peering through the slats of steel. I want to take their hand and walk them through the militarized barriers. We will have an ice cream cone together. We will wave at the U.S. Marshals and ICE agents.
I am a dreamer.
The so-called immigration reform legislation passed by the Senate a few days ago, and now before the House of Representatives, creates a bigger mess than the one we have. It will fill the coffers of Halliburton and Boeing with huge government contracts. Since we’re pulling out of Afghanistan and Iraq, we must keep our military-industrial efforts juiced up with a new war—the war on our neighbors to the south.
Last April a group of Congressional Senators, four members of the “Gang of 8”, visited the U.S./Mexico border in Nogales, Arizona. Unfortunately they did not cross the border. They did not step into Mexico and observe the effects of the border wall on the people across the line. Visiting the Border Patrol and ICE offices in Nogales, Arizona, the Gang of 8 gathered their information and took their notes.
It is akin to learning about your own town or neighborhood by only reading the police reports. Impressions and information are skewed. They got a very narrow slice of the pie. I’m sorry they didn’t take a stroll into Nogales, Mexico, and enjoy a special margarita and gourmet meal at La Roca, one of several classy restaurants on the other side of the wall. A trip to the comedor and some time to look into the faces of the hard-working immigrants might have softened a few hearts. Instead they surveyed the wall and barbed wire fences, getting their information from officials of Homeland Security.
Somewhere the immigration reform movement took a wrong turn. Here’s what we have: the Senate has passed an 844 page bill with 350+ pages of amendments tacked on. Both Democrat and Republican politicos are full of praise for this bi-partisan effort.
I shake my head in disbelief.
The hallmark elements of the immigration bill are these:
More military personnel on the border.
The number of military agents will be doubled from 21,000 to almost 40,000. The length of the wall will also be doubled, with 700 miles of new fence. There will be more drones, more high tech surveillance, and more deaths in the desert. Seven bodies were found in the Sonoran desert yesterday. With more militarization along the border, desperate migrants will attempt to cross deeper into the remote parts of southern Arizona. Trust me on this.
A path to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S.
The path is long and circuitous, will take approximately 13 years, and has enough blocks and security checks to stymie all but the most tenacious. And it won’t start until the military build-up is completed.
Operation Streamline proceedings will triple.
Instead of processing 70 migrants each day through the Federal court system, the bill will increase the numbers to 121 undocumented migrants.
The winners in this “reform” are the huge military contracts tasked with increasing the length of the wall, expanding the numbers of Homeland Security personnel, and developing highly sophisticated surveillance technology to track down and capture the migrants. The court system, detention centers, judges, and attorneys also stand to benefit. It is like an horrific video game come to life. The migrants are hunted down like animals and tossed into the behemoth of our broken immigration system.
And let’s not forget that the GOP will win some points in wooing the Latino vote in the coming elections.
I remember a fairy tale from my childhood, a story by Hans Christian Anderson, “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” It tells of a vain emperor and his conniving tailor who fashioned a new outfit that was invisible, and in fact didn’t exist. The tailor told the emperor that only those that were competent and worthy could see his new clothes. To everyone else who was unfit and unworthy, the new clothes were invisible. So the people of the kingdom rhapsodized about the beauty of the emperor’s new clothes. They didn’t want to appear incompetent or disloyal, and so praised the new fashion on their naked emperor. Only a small child cried out that the emperor was not wearing anything at all. The child spoke the truth, seeing through the pretense and delusions.
And here is my truth. The comprehensive immigration reform bill is not true reform at all. Congress is parading naked before us telling us that this is a step forward.
It is a step backward. Things will be worse for the migrant population. And things will be worse for the people living on the border. The borderlands will feel like the DMZ of North and South Korea. In point of fact, there are 40,000 troops stationed along the DMZ, the same number that the immigration reform bill plans to place on the U.S./Mexico border. The struggling economy of both Nogaleses will continue to hang on and put on a happy face in spite of the wall and the beefed up militarization.
The naked emperor of the Hans Christian Anderson tale would feel right at home in our present Congress, where power rests in the hands of politicians and lobbyists who refuse to look at the truth. Especially if there is money to be made.
Immigrants are human beings affected by a law that is so huge and complex, the legislators themselves don’t understand it. We are playing with real people’s lives. They are being knocked around like ping-pong balls. They have goals, families, employers and communities that depend on them.
Never forget that America is a nation of immigrants. The present immigration reform before Congress is based on the politics of fear. Border communities will be doomed to living in a virtual war zone. It is an assault on the civil liberties and human rights of the border residents. The compromises in the present bill do not represent the people who live on the border. We owe it to the residents of the borderlands and our Latino neighbors to fight for the best immigration legislation possible.
I cannot support the present immigration reform bill. It is not worthy of the American promise and the American dream. I will continue to work toward a common sense pathway to citizenship for the millions that are already here, and a demilitarization of the borderlands community. Most importantly, the Samaritans will continue to prevent deaths in the desert.
I support several border organizations that may not agree with my politics. As we approach July 4, I am grateful to live in a place where I can express my views and will continue to try and change immigration policies that truly serve the interests of the people on the border.
The Green Valley Samaritans are a group of activists who volunteer their services in both Mexico and the United States striving to create a more humane immigration policy. Their website is: www.gvsamaritans.org
The Kino Border Initiative directs the activities of the comedor in Nogales, Mexico. The vision is to help make a humane, just system of migration a reality between the United States and Mexico. Their website is: www.kinoborderinitiative.org
The Santa Cruz Community Foundation is a non-profit organization focusing on the economic, cultural and philanthropic needs of southern Arizona. Bob Phillips, director of SCCF, can be reached at rtp9@earthlink.net. Phone is: 520-761-4531
I endorse and am proud of the accomplishments of all of these organizations.
Peg, I couldn’t agree more.
I live two short blocks from Mexico here in Naco. I wonder if I can sue the gang of eight for the loss in value to my property. I need to sell my house and fear I will never be able to.
Emilie Vardaman said this on July 1, 2013 at 3:58 pm
Peg, thanks for your input. I personally feel that the Republicans will use the “secure” border as a way to eliminate citizenship. Never totally secure, can’t do citizenship for the thousands of undocumented. Lord knows what the House will come up with! Love thy neighbor as thyself? Somewhere we have gone totally wrong! Linda Rushton
Linda Rushton said this on July 1, 2013 at 4:01 pm
I agree. There’s nothing in it to benefit migrants in any kind of a just way. What waste of time and money… Suzanne
Suzanne Hesh said this on July 1, 2013 at 4:58 pm
Another good piece from the heart, Peg. I had only one question. It’s about this sentence:
“And let’s not forget that the GOP will win some points in wooing the Latino vote in the coming elections.”
Huh? I fail to see how the GOP is going to win any points among Latinos, given that they are fighting immigration reform (of any sort) tooth and nail. If you didn’t like what happened in the Senate (and clearly you did not, and for good reasons), just wait until the GOP in the House starts working on their own version of the bill. If that happens at all, that is.
Jerry Ervin said this on July 1, 2013 at 5:31 pm
Thank you, Peg. A very moving report. I got a flushed face while reading it.
I am thinking you are becoming more of an activist and I envision you and your fellow activists storming Washington some day.
Joe Atkin said this on July 1, 2013 at 5:59 pm
Dear Peg,
Thank you for this powerful and incisive analysis of the immigration reform legislation. I’ve just tweeted your blog site and sent a sequence of tweets quoting your latest. Please keep up this important work. In a parallel way, as your irregular migrants die in the desert, ours die by the hundreds in our oceans, with the chilling prospect that refugee and asylum boats might be literally ‘pushed back’ according to the latest threats from our opposition party who are hoping to claim government in September….
note: Dr. Joseph Pugliese is a professor at Macquarie University in Australia. –Peg
Joseph Pugliese said this on July 1, 2013 at 8:52 pm
In his pictures, filmmaker and photographer Marty Ethington, Santa Cruz Community Foundation intern, complements the message of Dashed Hopes. Many thanks to you both for this holistic experience.
Richard Calabro said this on July 1, 2013 at 11:32 pm
Thanks Peggy
I’m at Common Ground on the Hill. John Carlos Frey was the keynote speaker and said most of what you did and asked for more of us to pick up the Cross, (my words)and continue to speak out . Thanks for your beautifully shared words and deeds. Peace be with you. Chris
Chris Amoroso said this on July 2, 2013 at 6:28 am
Hi Peg,
Thank you so much for writing and sharing. My name is Mary Small and I work with Jesuit Refugee Service/USA in DC. I really appreciated this post—especially the Emperor’s New Clothes comparison! In partnership with Sean Carroll and folks at the Jesuit Conference, I’m constantly raising border concerns within the immigration coalitions I work with—which is frustrating but, as you obviously well know, very needed. To that end, if you’re willing, I would very much like to be added to your blog list.
Many thanks for all the work that you do,
Mary Small said this on July 2, 2013 at 1:45 pm
Thanks so much for sharing Peg. We are also devastated by the decisions made at the way the border was thrown under the bus and the way Schumer made a deal with Senators Corker and Hoeven to double down on the worst parts of the bill. As we attempt to mitigate the damage as we head into the House it will be very important for border residents to continue to make their voices be heard by their Reps and Senators. There is still a slim chance of making this bill more sane in conference. If you want to talk about what we’ve been doing in terms of messaging give me a call.
My best to Sean and all the good folks at Kino.
Shaina Aber said this on July 2, 2013 at 1:47 pm
I think this is one of your strongest blogs yet, tackling the politicos and their pitiful, transparent attempts at reform. In fact, I’m now beginning to worry about your safety. You go, girl.
Jan Leonard said this on July 2, 2013 at 1:49 pm
I find what has been done a total injustice & “rip off” to the wider American population….instead of being a true North America, merging with the Americas, we have instead chosen to be “elitist” & still try to play a chess game with people’s lives. I will never give up in my advocacy for what I believe is right for our communities, our youth, our families, and a vision of multilingual, multi-ethnic, multi-talented immigrants (documented or non-documented)….we are all human beings & we all belong together in a country which honors, lifts up, and emulates hope.
Thank you for all you are! Thank you for spreading out your soul & sharing with so many in the communities along the border & throughout the U.S. as you share your hopes,values, & rationale for doing more. Please don’t give up …keep writing, speaking, & advocating for the “higher road”!
Your PNW ally,
Genene Kluck said this on July 2, 2013 at 1:57 pm
Once again, your passionate portrayal of the border and of CIR is right on!! Is it possible to get this distributed more widely? How about the New York Times and/or other national publications?
Stay cool,
Maggie Sievers said this on July 6, 2013 at 4:48 pm
Your latest blog is the truth; I don’t see how I can support the bill. But I feel bad in making that decision; it feels like a betrayal of what we are working for.
John Hemann
John Hemann said this on July 6, 2013 at 4:49 pm
Peg you speak the words my heart wants to shout. I am so very grateful that you have chosen to do this for all of us. I miss being a part of the Comedor.
Bette Mulley said this on July 6, 2013 at 4:51 pm
Thank you, dear Peg, for this thoughtful, caring post. My heart goes out to those who rightfully feel unwelcome. You are right. We are a nation of immigrants—mine all came from Germany to Nebraska.
They worked hard and made it in their new country…of course, they were all white. It truly astounds me that prejudice on the border now so visible exists in our “land of the free”. When I described you to our new class of mentors, tears came to my eyes. Why? Because you are an inspiration to everyone who knows you, and you have made such a difference wherever you live.
Faye Hutchings said this on July 6, 2013 at 4:52 pm
Dear Peg,
You write so movingly of this tragic, inhuman process on our border. I applaud you for your work and your voice. I am hoping I will see you when you visit. With admiration and love, Claire
Claire Fincher said this on July 6, 2013 at 4:53 pm